It’s Time to Swap Your Tires

March 30 2022, Kentville Toyota

It’s Time to Swap Your Tires

The seasons are changing and so are driving conditions. Although there is plenty of snow still on the ground, it’s time to start thinking about swapping the rubber you drive on. Seasons are changing and so should your vehicle.

7 Degrees Changes Everything

Similar when swapping to winter tires, when the weather is 7 degrees Celsius (or lower), the benefit of switching to winter tires can make a big difference in your driving. While winter tires are designed to keep you on the road while it’s cold and snowy, all-season tires are designed for warmer climate conditions (7 degrees and above).

What’s the Difference?

  • All-season tires are made up of a harder rubber to increase responsiveness, reduce gas mileage, and reduce stopping distances in warmer temperatures.
  • All-season tires are stiffened with reinforced sidewalls. This provides better sideways stability which gives you better overall handling.
  • All-season tires have a completely different tread design for the kind of weather encountered in the warmer seasons.
  • Using the right tires for the right seasons will reduce unnecessary tire wear saving you time and money.

There are many reasons why we don’t use winter tires in the summer and summer tires or all-season tires in the winter. Both have their time and place for your vehicle but knowing when to swap them is equally important.

Spring Servicing

While swapping your tires is a good habit to get into, checking up on your vehicle’s health after our cold winter can be just as important. Make sure to book an appointment with Kentville Toyota's service team so you can drive into the new season with confidence.